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The leaders of China Installation Association visited the group for research and guidance

publish:2023-06-16 16:35:11   views :338
publish:2023-06-16 16:35:11  

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On April 2023, 4, Tang Zhongchi, Zhao Jinshan, Wu Hui, Deputy Secretary-General of China Installation Association, Zhang Jinhe, Deputy Secretary-General of the Standards Working Committee of China Installation Association, Chang Yanyan, Chen Yutong, Wang Huiling, Zhang Biying, Zhang Jiechao, Cheng Baoli, Cui Jianru, Chen Lingxia, Chen Huiling, Zhao Xue, Sun Shengnan and other members of the Secretariat of China Installation Association visited Zhongan Construction and Installation Group for investigation and guidance. Fan Haosong, vice president of Jiangsu Installation Industry Association and chairman of the group, Xi Tianyang, Chen Hua, Chen Jianfei, and Ling Jiali, chief engineer of the group, members of the secretariat of Jiangsu Installation Industry Association, accompanied the investigation.

First of all, under the guidance of Mr. Fan, the research team visited the historical evolution, glorious course, enterprise performance, party building park, corporate culture wall and corporate office area of Zhongan Construction Group, and learned in detail the development process of "entrepreneurship and innovation, transformation and upgrading" of Zhongan Construction Group.

Mr. Fan warmly welcomed Secretary-General Tang and Secretary-General Zhao to visit the visit, and introduced in detail the course and achievements of the digital transformation of science and technology and the deep cultivation of the field of smart fire protection of China Security Construction Group in recent years, and introduced the main functions and project progress of the Smart City Industrial Park of China Security Construction Group.

Mr. Fan said that the smart city industrial park of Zhongan Construction Group will take green, low-carbon, smart innovation as the core purpose, give full play to its own advantages, take the industrial park as a bridge, and establish a platform for resource sharing and information exchange, and strive to empower future core settled units such as Jiangsu Installation Industry Association.

Secretary General Tang fully affirmed and praised the development of Zhongan Construction Group, and conducted in-depth exchanges with Mr. Fan on the design concept of Zhongan Construction Group's smart city industrial park. Enterprises are the main promoters of innovation and technological progress, and independent innovation is the life of enterprises and the foundation of their climbing and development. It is hoped that Zhongan Construction Group will go hand in hand with China Installation Association and Jiangsu Installation Industry Association, cooperate for win-win results, make unremitting efforts for the scientific and technological progress and healthy development of China's installation industry, and contribute the wisdom and strength of Zhong'an.

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